An Exciting Lecture, A Kind Man

Created by Elizabeth 5 years ago
When I was 16, Jonathan Sandys came to my high school in Alma, Georgia to give a lecture about his great-grandfather, Winston Churchill. Jonathan was lively & funny & utilized some amazing interactive illustrations that had us all out of our seats participating. At one point, he even took us on a "field trip" to a different part of our school to talk with us about how different our toilets were set up from how he was used to seeing them in England. After lunch, Jonathan very kindly brought Krispy Kreme donuts into the classroom & shared them with us all. At the end of the day, we finished the lecture outside on the lawn & he very kindly took time to speak to & take photos with those of us who stayed behind for an opportunity to speak with him personally, myself included. Jonathan provided us all with an e-mail address to give him feedback about his lecture that day. Within about a week, each one of us that sent him a message, received a personal, heartfelt, & humorous reply. It is one of the memories from my high school years I cherish the most. I'm always excited to get to share that story. In the years after that, I had the opportunity to speak with him via e-mail & Facebook & he was still the kind-hearted, fun & funny, man I'd met that day. Included with this story is the photo Jonathan kindly took with me at my school the first time I met him. I am so very thankful to have had the opportunity to know him.
