Jonathan Sandys Crowns 90 year old Eileen Bauerlein, "Queen of the Dance, Eileen the First"

Created by Neva 5 years ago

Many of my Texas friends attended this British Tea Dance that Bill and I had to honor 90 year old Eileen Bauerlein's five decades of teaching dance in the Bay Area and our dear friend, Jonathan Sandys, Sir Winston Churchill's great grandson, drove an hour in driving rain to crown her "Queen of the Dance, Eileen the First" Many friends brought British Tea treats and well over 170 people attended with everyone getting their photo taken by friends. What a wonderful memory! Sadly, we grieve the loss young Jonathan's life to a lung ailment recently. Eileen grew up in London during the war, her home was bombed, and I knew she loved Chuchill. So, Bill and I had a wonderful evening sharing dinner with Jonathan Sara Sandys and Eileen visiting and hearing stories of great interest from Eileen and Jonathan's vast knowledge of history. (sorry the roar of the crowd and poor mic system doesn't do this video justice but it's priceless to us).    Jonathan knew right where Eileen lived and she shared stories about the food shortage/rationing, and things that Churchill said on the radio and how England would not have made it he called on everyone to fight and kept the people's spirits willing to fight.