Jonathan on the Radio

Created by Brent 5 years ago

My first brush with the eccentric Mister Churchill was in the 12th Floor Deli in 24 Greenway Plaza, when we were working at CBS Radio/Houston (Texas). One sunny midday, this lanky, somewhat disheveled guy in a loose-fitting suit strode into the deli carrying a case and an armload of books, and headed for a corner table next to the window. He carefully arranged the books on the edge of the table, next to the glass, as if to be setting up a desk.
Which he was.

The man pulled all manner of materials out of his case, including a paperclip holder, a fistful of pens, and a pad of paper. Straightening everything before him just so, he sat down, opened one of the books, and went to work.
It looked like a scene out of Monty Python.

I would later learn who he was, as we introduced ourselves to one another, and ultimately, Sandys made his way onto my Radio show to talk about his famous Great-grandfather, Sir Winston Churchill. Jonathan was a wonderful story teller, and his genuine British accent was a hit on the Radio. We would see one another infrequently over the next few years, and after leaving CBS Radio, I don’t believe I ever saw him again. He sure made an interesting first impression, and I am saddened now that we will never again swap stories in this life.
Rest in Peace, my friend.