The Junior League of Houston

Created by Sonia 5 years ago
Living life to the fullest, that he did with flair! ~Joie De Vivre!! A jolly soul when we met & he always offered to drive me as he knew I didn't like to:)- We did programs together involving the veterans since we're building a veterans museum here in Houston. I recall Jonathan leaving his keys @home so Sara he called to bring them up to the Junior League & I was going to attend another function so there began our story telling to each other! We had some parts of our heritage where we joked that we may be related:) He knew I worked with a leadership group where we read about Churchill & traveled. He also knew I had ties with other influential family of mine that was involved in past historical events so he looked to my social media by my Instagram being one of the few he 1st followed (I too gave him the same respect). We laughed & talked very deeply/ seriously. We made plans for more developments to carry his legacy on & I still plan to do so. His beautiful family (babies in the stroller & all:) ~I'll never forget @Barnes & Nobles River Oaks to launch the book with pastor. I think of it fondly when going there. Houston was blessed to have him Xx Jonathan took & posted the photo here: 
