Stefania 16th March 2019

My Dearest boy, of course I know you've become a man, a handsome, charming, smiling, positive man, but to me, you are still "my beloved, happy boy", enthousiastic about life, brilliant, full of fun, part of my life, a very special friend. We haven't been in touch for a while, but I was thrilled last Summer when you came to see me with mummy, Lucy and the girls. I couldn't imagine that would have been our last meeting. You're gone now, but you will never be forgotten, I'm sure we will meet again in heavenly places. I've first met you when I was 23, I've been living with you, my English Family, in Charnwood, for almost two months. You were 13 and on Sunday morning you often came to wake me up full of ideas for the day. We had a great time together. Before flying back home I was given a very special gift that I jealously keep on my bedside table where it is written:" God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference." That's what you've bravely done while struggling against your lung disease. I miss you so much Boy, I love you, you will always be in my Heart. As you used to say…….God Bless.