Peter 15th March 2019

I met Jonathan for the first and only time shortly before the end of his life. He was sitting behind myself and my grandson at the theatre in Guildford where we were attending a matinee performance of Cinderella. Jonathan and I soon engaged in an enjoyable conversation about everything and nothing during which we discovered that we shared a passion for flying. As a keen pilot of vintage aeroplanes and gliders myself we talked about the sense of freedom that flying gives and how much Jonathan looked forward one day soon to take to the air. During the interval we exchanged phone numbers and I made a sincere promise that I would take him for a flight in the following Spring. We both knew that this would be challenging for him but we would do it. Sadly we didn't know that his time was so short. Despite our brief encounter Jonathan's zest for life and warm personality made a lasting impression on me . I hope that one day I will meet him again - up there.