In Riu tikida gardens marrakesh

Created by Harry 5 years ago

Well I met Jonathan while on holiday last year. He was going to the toilet and me being nosey asked him if he had copd as I have myself and know how hard it is to breath. He said no but had a lung condition. Within minutes we were having a drink or two or three, even more at the bar. It was as if we had been busom buddies for life. We told each other so many stories about ourselves and totally forgot the world around us. He was such a wonderful man with so much going for him. As he was only there for three days we spent loads of time together planning to see each other when we got home. Normal circumstances my wife wouldn't have been very happy with me spending so much time with someone else on holiday but she just fell so much in love with Jonathan, Elisabeth and Lucy that she didn't mind at all. On returning home we spoke often on the phone and planned to go down to London but he texted me saying he was in hospital and the doctors were building him up for a transplant. If anyone deserved to live it was Jonathan, he had so much to give in this life. He made my wife julie laugh so much and loved her Yorkshire accent, trying to copy her and she was so looking forward to showing him our lovely county and teaching him Yorkshire sayings. It just goes to show that two people brought up in different environments , Jonathan from the posh side of London and me from the south east of London can click. I'm very honoured to have met such a beautiful soul and grateful that he considered an old man of 72 a close friend. We shall miss you Jonathan but you will always have a place in our hearts. Rest in peace our beautiful friend. Julie and harry. Xxx