My Wonderful Uncle Joshen

Created by Lucy 5 years ago

When I was little I couldn’t say “Uncle Jonathan” so I called him “Uncle Joshen”.  He loved it and wanted me to keep it even though I could say his name properly as I got older!
Uncle Joshen was always smiling and even when he was in difficulties he still smiled!  He was always so determined and always positive.
When I think of him I remember him tickling me!  The things that stood out to me were him endlessly encouraging me and teaching me new skills like how to use a fountain pen and tips on typing.
After school on some days, he and Grams would come and collect us and we would go to The Windmill for an ice cream, which we loved.
He came to all mine and Clemmie’s school and Stagecoach shows, concerts and performances while he was here and he always joined in.  He never complained that he had to drag his oxygen machine wherever he went.
When we went to the pantomime in Guildford, Clemmie and I were invited up on stage, where I was asked if I had been good.  I said I had been good, and he called out “Oh no she hasn’t” and said that he expected me to get a lump of coal from Father Christmas!  I recognised his voice and told them this was my Uncle Joshen saying this and that I expected HIM to get a lump of coal!  I will never forget this special moment or my special Uncle Joshen!
He was so excited every time Clemmie and I brought him a picture in hospital, and he added it immediately to his bedside gallery!  On Christmas Eve he asked me if I would come in to visit him on my stilts on Christmas Day – so I did - and Clemmie wore her angel outfit.  We took chocolates round to the other patients in the wards.  We felt like celebrities because everyone wanted a photo with us!  Uncle Joshen was so thrilled and said it made his Christmas!  Then he suddenly found a stocking under his bed, filled with presents, and we helped him open it!  He was thrilled with everything he found in the stocking and I loved watching him open it as I saw all his joy and it made me think of how he would have been as a child!
He always meant a lot to me.
Iona (aged 8) xx
