Philip 6th March 2019

As Publishing Director for SPCK, I was proud to serve as editor of the British edition of GOD AND CHURCHILL - the superb book that Jonathan co-authored with Wallace Henley. It was a privilege to meet Jonathan at the launch we held in the Cabinet War Rooms in Whitehall in November 2015, and to see the book go on to reprint in hardback within a year of publication, before going on to sell strongly in paperback. Jonathan will, I am sure, be remembered for many things, but this book will surely remain a major part of his legacy for years to come. It is very much a book for our own troubled political times. As the perceptive reviewer in the Church Times observed: 'Through this book Churchill still bears witness, by his inspiring words and life, to higher principles than the largely secularised pragmatism of politics today.' Thank you, Jonathan, for playing your part in keeping that witness alive.