Karen 1st March 2019

Jonathan was so energetic and such a forceful, fun personality. We didn’t learn how gravely ill he was until the week that he passed away. The suddenness of it was shocking, but even more so because of how “alive” Jonathan always was. We are going to miss him so much at our festival each year. We came to love him as we got to know him and his family more every year. I saw him interact with people of all ages and while he had strong opinions, he was a great listener. Our thoughts and prayers continue to go go out to his precious wife and children and also to his family “over the pond” that we have conversed with now online after Jonathan’s death. Jonathan spoke highly of his family in England and what good care they were taking of him when his wife and children weren’t able to be there. He was a man that lived a blessed life, even though it was shorter than we would have liked. And, because of his testimony of accepting Jesus Christ as his personal savior and his right relationship with God, I have the assurance that his eternity is secure. May God bless you all, Karen Gore