From Elisabeth on 28/02/2019

Thank you from my heart to all of you who have sent such lovely messages about Jonathan. Losing him so suddenly was so very unexpected, not only by us but also by the doctors and I’m sure you’ll understand that we still feel somewhat shell-shocked. But meanwhile we are holding a service in his memory at a church in Pimlico where Jonathan had started to go when he felt strong enough and was greatly cared for by the lovely Vicar and her husband. All are so very welcome. At his own request should the worst happen, he is buried with his brother Bod and father Julian in Shackleford Churchyard. I’m so happy to tell you that his last real conversation a few hours before he died was a wonderful interaction with his two children in Houston, Jesse and Arizona Jane which gave him such joy. Lucy and I were so thankful to be able to be with him to the end. His enthusiasm for life, his steadfastness, his endless love and encouragement to so many will be so very much missed by us all. Elisabeth