Theresa 29th December 2019

Jonathan was a kind man, with great enthusiasm, and a keen intellect. I met him virtually through my friend Kimmy. We were supposed to meet up at the Churchill Museum here in Missouri, but missed each other due to his first hospitalization. We spoke on the phone that day, and I tried several times to call back, as I was worried he was so sick, so far from home. My husband and I had talked about driving down from our home in St. Louis, but never heard back, so was relieved to learn later there were friends with him. We followed his journey via Facebook, and continued to pray for him during the illness. His optimism and bravery in the face of a terrible terminal illness spoke well to his courage and character. Having faced my own medical emergency this year, and survived a brush with death, I marvel even more at it, in retrospect. I really enjoyed interacting with Jonathan, and his writings, as well as his enthusiasm for life. He seemed to have never met a stranger. Condolences to the family, and prayers for his eternal repose. The world is truly a bit duller without him in it.